Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Feliz Navidad!!!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas everybody!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

commisioned painting complete!!!

Just finished a new commissioned art piece for Miss Ruby Rivera. She wanted a painted, pin-up portrait of her self in brown desaturated tones. Had lots of fun working on this piece.

color comps

final piece

Monday, August 17, 2009

La Yorona

As a kid my mom would always tell me the story about La Yorona (the crying lady). Its about a woman who's husband leaves her for another woman, and out of anger she drowns her kids in the river. After realizing what shes done, the mother weeps near the river wanting her kids back. After crying for several days, she drowns her self in the river. So it is said that you can hear her crying at night, calling for her kids. If you hear her cry near, it means her spirit is far. If her cry sounds far she is near, and if you take one look at her, you will die. The tale is popular in all Latin America, but the story changes in each country. What a sad scary story to tell your children, but it did keep me from playing late at night as a kid. The best part is hearing stories from family members, who claim to have heard her cry and had actually seen her. I always thought that once I became an adult, they would give in and tell me it was all a lie, but they still stand by their word.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Little Micheal

I remember watching young Micheal Jackson on TV, and even then you could see the potential of what he would be come. He was an inspiring dancer and artist. I would have loved to see him perform live, and regret that I didn't, now that I'll never have the chance. I will miss him dearly.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A new old friend

Couple weeks ago I had breakfast with an old friend from high school, that I had not seen in a long time. I enjoyed seeing and talking to her so much, that I was in spired to do this piece. Yay! for friendship.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

self portrait

My friend Hugo (http://hexmor.blogspot.com/) suggested that we all do a self portrait. I did mine yay!, I'm actually happy with the finished piece. I haven't done a self portrait in a while, I had fun working on it. I drew my eyes closed, because for some weird reason, I always come out with my eyes closed in photographs.
One 0f my favorite artist is Gustav Klimt, I like his colors, swirly designs and flowers that he uses. So thought I would incorporate a little of it in my portrait.